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- Understanding the Digital Replication Right - First Ever Federal Property Right for YOUR Own Voice and Likeness
Understanding the Digital Replication Right - First Ever Federal Property Right for YOUR Own Voice and Likeness
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Hacking Music Presents: Ai for Mere Mortals: How to save Intellectual Property Owners and the industries they serve.
Join Finbar OHanlon, Ken Gay, John Pisciotta, Dheeren Vélu and Mark Adkison as we dive into Understanding the Digital Replication Right - First Ever Federal Property Right in Their Own Voice and Likeness
The ‘No Fakes Act’ is a bill introduces the First Ever Federal Property Right in Their Own Voice and Likeness. Sponsored by Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) to protect property rights in the voice and visual likeness of individuals. Let’s chop it up, with Ken, Mark, Finbar and John.
And find out how Monarrch creates a “serial number” of artists IP and tracks a new revenue stream for all Ai uses.
Table of Contents
3 Big Takeaways from The ‘No Fakes Act’:
The No Fakes Act - Gives Every American a First Ever Federal Property Right in Their Own Voice and Likeness
DIGITAL REPLICATION RIGHT - Each individual shall have the right to authorize the use of the voice or visual likeness of the individual in a digital replica.
Establishes Strong Federal Remedies - empowersindividuals with the ability to seek damages from individuals who knowingly create unconsented uses.
How Monarrch is Different than Methods?
What is Generative Rights Management?
Here to learn more >> https://monarrch.com/events
What you Missed
WHO AM I? If we haven’t yet before - Hey 👋 I’m John, a guitar player turned entrepreneur and I’ve somehow built a holding co. that builds media businesses. Publish advisory materials for training artists. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Hacking Music and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you build a career you actually want.
Tune in to Hacking Music for more. Hacking Music is an execution platform for action takers, moment makers and record breakers. Our mission is to serve the world by strengthening the next generation of artists and help you connect with the people that care the most [ your fans ] https://www.hacking-music.com
Special thanks to our sponsors, ArtistWerx and The Sync Center, for their support. Their contributions towards the music industry provide valuable opportunities for artists to thrive.
ArtistWerx is an execution company. We partner with managers to provide infrastructure, marketing, execution and monetization in the rapidly changing media industry. We create products and experiences to engage your customers, drive revenue, build careers and surpass your competitors. https://www.artistwerx.com
The Sync Center - Trusted by Fortune 50 companies, Filmmakers, Ad Executives, Networks, and Major Film Studios. The Sync Center is a full-service music supervision and licensing company that has managed projects for hundreds of clients including national and global brands, agencies and cultural events. https://thesynccenter.com